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São Paulo University, São Paulo

PhD Professor at FAUUSP, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (2018) and Biological Sciences (2010) from USP, with a technical course in Landscaping from Senac (2009). Coordinator of the "Mariposa" project at FAPESP, she works in the areas of landscape planning and ecology, nature-based solutions and green infrastructure.



São Paulo Secretariat of Subprefectures, São Paulo

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFRN (1982) and master in Social Sciences from UFRN (1999). Technician at the Institute of Sustainable Development and Environment, she works in coastal management and coordinates the GERCO Technical Chamber at Abema.



Institute for Sustainable Development and Environment, Rio Grande do Norte

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFRN (1982) and master in Social Sciences from UFRN (1999). Technician at the Institute of Sustainable Development and Environment, she works in coastal management and coordinates the GERCO Technical Chamber at Abema.



Federal University of Minas Gerais, Uba

Graduated in Environmental Engineering from UNIR (2015), master's degree from UTFPR (2018) and PhD from UFMG (2023), with an exchange program at Harvard University. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow at UFMG and a collaborating professor at UTFPR, with experience in remote sensing, geoprocessing and environmental changes.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Architect and Urban Planner (Belas Artes de São Paulo, 1986), Master and PhD from FAU/USP (1996; 2003). Full Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, former director of FAU Mackenzie (2016-2023). Leader of the Contemporary Urbanism Research Group and CNPq scholarship holder level 1D, working in urbanization, sustainability and urban mobility.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Graduated in Civil Engineering from Instituto Mauá (1980) and in Physics from USP (1981), with a master's degree (1985) and a doctorate (1993) in Civil Engineering from USP. Full professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and guest professor at Université de Metz and Politécnico di Bari, he works in water resources, sanitation and geographic information systems. Technical manager at Giansante, he has developed more than 50 projects and Municipal Basic Sanitation Plans.



Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Hydrologist with over 15 years of experience in hydrological modeling. He is working on the development of Sustainable Drainage Systems in Chennai through the Department of Science and Technology. He has worked on the CLIMARICE project on climate variability and impacts on rice production in the Cauvery basin. He coordinates the Ganges River Basin Management Plan and has developed a flood forecasting system for Chennai.



Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Piauí

Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Mato Grosso (2007), with a master's degree (2011) and a doctorate (2015) in Public Health and Environment from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Currently, she is a collaborator at FIOCRUZ and a researcher in public health in Piauí, focusing on exposure to chemical agents and their effects on health, especially on children's health related to air pollution and mercury. She works in the area of ​​public health, with an emphasis on epidemiological surveillance and risk assessment.



Aeronautics Institute of Technology, São Paulo

Graduated in Forestry Engineering from the University of Brasília (2011) and Master in Science from ITA (2014), she participated in the RedeLitoral project (CAPES 417/2010). She developed research on water footprint and sustainable water management in urban expansion scenarios. She has experience in forest resources, forest inventory, watershed management and modeling (InVEST). Currently, she is Technical Coordinator at MRS Estudos Ambientais Ltda., working on the preparation of environmental studies for licensing and technical advice.



São Paulo University, São Paulo

A biologist from UFPR, with a master's and doctorate from USP in neotropical mosquitoes and phylogenetics, she completed a postdoctoral degree in epidemiology at USP. She was a visiting researcher at Harvard and the Natural History Museum in London. She works on evolutionary and epidemiological studies, with an emphasis on malaria and arboviruses. She is currently a data analyst at the São Paulo Health Department and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP.



Council of Architecture and Urbanism, São Paulo

She holds a post-doctorate from IAU USP, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (2004), and holds a master's degree (2010) and a doctorate (2016) from USP. She is the President of CAU/SP and coordinator of the ATHIS Network in the interior of São Paulo. She worked as a professor and consultant at the Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de SP, in addition to being a state counselor for CAU SP. She is a member of the research groups SAGGEM and LEAUC, focusing on social housing and urban planning.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Graduated in Agricultural-Environmental Engineering and Architecture and Urbanism, with a master's and doctorate from FAU/USP. Professor and Director of FAU Mackenzie, he was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia and UC Berkeley. Works in Social Urbanism and Sustainable Development, coordinating the Inclusive and Healthy Cities Research Group. Author of books and consultant in multilateral institutions.



Ministry of Environment, Brazil

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (UFPE, 2006) and Master in Civil Engineering (POLI/UPE, 2017), he has 22 years of experience in environment and urban planning, with emphasis on sustainability and housing policies. He served as Executive Secretary of Sustainability of Recife and Superintendent of Biodiversity Conservation of Pernambuco, in addition to participating in the organization of international events and fundraising projects.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from USP, with a doctorate focused on the work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at USP and managing partner of Base Urbana, she was awarded for the redevelopment of the Sapé Favela. First woman to preside over CAU-SP (2021-2023).



University of Freiburg, Germany

She has experience in international planning and sustainable urban development. Since August 2019, she has headed the Junior Chair "Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems" and the research group "Urban Footprints", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. She was a postdoctoral fellow at HafenCity University Hamburg (2015-2019) in the Master's program Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning. Before that, she worked as a lawyer at Günther Rechtsanwälte in Hamburg (2011-2015), focusing on energy, building and environmental law.



Office of the German Research Foundation , Germany



University of Reading, Berkshire

He joined Real Estate & Planning in August 2019 as a lecturer in planning, focusing on planning and professionalism. He is a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and has previously served as a lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University and as a Planning Policy Officer at Bassetlaw District Council. Chris obtained his PhD from the University of Sheffield, where he studied how the ‘public interest’ is understood and how it varies in planning, exploring case studies in Central Lincolnshire and the Peak District National Park using qualitative methods.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Graduated in Statistics and Mathematics from UnB, with a master's and doctorate from the same institution. Professor at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, where he is Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture. He has experience in Work Psychology, research on work and health management, and has held several administrative positions at the institution.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at UFRN, with a PhD in Meteorology from IAG/USP. Coordinator of projects on climate change in South America and member of the CMIP Advisory Group. He was Head of the Department from 2019 to 2023 and has a postdoctoral degree from IAG/USP. He works in climatology and advanced computing, in addition to collaborating in several research groups.



International Water Association, Lisboa

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Water Resources Engineering and Environmental Sanitation. She currently serves as Director of Strategic Programs and Engagement at the Secretariat of the International Water Association (IWA), overseeing programs such as Inclusive Urban Sanitation and Climate Smart Utilities. Previously, she was General Director of the Stormwater Department of the City of Porto Alegre, where she managed the financing of large-scale stormwater and wastewater projects.



University of Hamburg, Germany

Senior researcher and coordinator of the Synthesis project at the CLICCS Cluster of Excellence at the Universität Hamburg. Co-founder of the Terroá Institute and deputy editor of the journal Ambiente e Sociedade. He works on sustainable development and climate change, with a focus on governance and sustainable adaptation. He is co-editor of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook and member of the Environment and Society Research Group at IEA-USP.



Municipal Secretariat of Urban Planning and Licensing, São Paulo

Graduated in Architecture from FAU-UFPR, with a master's degree in Urban Environmental Structures from USP and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. From 2015 to 2018, she was Director of Planning and Projects at the Housing and Urban Development Company of São Paulo. Today, she teaches at FAAP and USP, in the City Planning and Management course. She worked at the São Paulo Housing Department, coordinating the Municipal Housing Plan, and participated in international projects in Mexico and El Salvador, in addition to organizing the New Neighborhoods of São Paulo Series.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Professor of Theory and History of Architecture at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from USP (2009) and PhD from the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of USP (2015). Researches Brazilian architecture of the 1960s, with emphasis on the theoretical contribution of Sérgio Ferro. He is a co-editor of books and vice-leader of the research group Historicidades. He also works on the preservation of architecture and urbanism collections, being a member of the Brazilian Network of Architecture and Urbanism Collections.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (1986) and PhD in Urban Environmental Structures (2005) from USP. Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Associate Director of Instituto ZeroCem and consultant on public policies and urban projects for multilateral and third sector organizations. He was Secretary of Urban Development of São Paulo (2013-2016) and president of SP Urbanismo. Director of URBEM (2011-2013 and 2017-2019) and founding partner of MMBB Arquitetos. He collaborated with architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1996-2012).



State Technological Research Institute, São Paulo

Civil Engineer from the State University of Campinas (2010), master and doctor in Civil Engineering - Hydraulics and Energy, respectively, from USP (2015 and 2020). Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow in public policies and urban drainage at USP (2024) and a researcher at the Institute of Technological Research of the State of São Paulo (IPT) since 2014, focusing on Cities, Infrastructure and Environment.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

PhD and Master in Law from PUC-SP and a Law degree from USP. He is currently a Public Prosecutor for the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of São Paulo and a Full Professor at the Faculty of Law and the Master's and Doctorate Program in Political and Economic Law at UPM. He was Dean of the Faculty of Law (2020-2024) and Coordinator of the PPGDPE (2013-2020) at UPM, as well as Attorney General of the State of São Paulo (2016-2020). He has experience in the areas of Citizenship, Public Policy and Criminal Law, with an emphasis on Economic Criminal Law and Diffuse Interests.



Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg

Graduated in Physics (1971) and Telecommunications and Electronics (1974) from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he also obtained a PhD in Physics. He worked at the Belgian Space Institute and in 1988 joined the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the USA. He was director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the German Climate Computing Centre. He founded the Climate Service Center Germany and is currently head of the environmental modeling research group at the MPI-M and honorary professor at the University of Hamburg. Member of the Academia Europaea since 2000.



Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis

Graduated in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, the guest has academic experience in the preparation of water resources plans and chemical analyses for water quality recovery. Professionally, he worked on infiltration projects in underground mines and environmental data analysis at Water Services and Technologies. He has skills in Python, SQL, Git, Docker and AWS infrastructure.



Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel



Environmental Policy and Planning Company, São Paulo

A researcher at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at USP, he holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the School of Engineering of São Carlos (1974), a specialization from Tufts University (1993), and a master's degree (2000) and a doctorate (2005) in Public Health from the School of Public Health at USP. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at IEA USP in Global Cities (2021). He is currently the technical director of environmental management and a consultant in environmental planning, with an emphasis on territorial and urban planning, environmental assessment, and climate change.



Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Graduated in Civil Engineering, with a master's degree in Sanitary Engineering/Water Resources and a doctorate in Water Resources Engineering, the guest has a post-doctorate from the University of Coimbra. He is currently a professor at the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), teaching in the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering courses, in addition to being a member of the teaching staff of two master's programs focused on water resources management.



Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, São Paulo


Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Graduated in Physics from the State University of Ceará (UECE) and with a master's and doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences from USP, the guest completed postdoctoral studies in hydrometeorological instrumentation at USP and in the Netherlands. He is currently an adjunct professor at UFRN, where he coordinates the Laboratory of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Modeling (LHeMA). He works as an advisor in postgraduate courses in Climate Sciences and Civil and Environmental Engineering, with research focused on hydroclimatology, water resources and climate change.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

A graduate in Biological Sciences, with a master's and doctorate in Ecology, the guest is a full professor in the Department of Ecology at UFRN, where he conducts research in limnology, focusing on food webs and nutrient cycling in tropical lakes. Having studied at UFMG, he works on environmental impact projects and supervises in the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is also a member of scientific associations and a reviewer for international journals.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Associate Professor at UFRN, Judith Hoelzemann is a specialist in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. She holds a degree in Geophysics from the University of Cologne and a PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. She coordinates the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and teaches in undergraduate and graduate programs at UFRN. An active member of several international committees, she researches air quality, atmospheric aerosols and environmental modeling. She has experience in collaborations with research institutions in Brazil and Germany.



Studio Symbios, São Paulo

Architect graduated from Mackenzie University (2000) and master's degree from FAUUSP (2022), with a focus on Sustainability and Environmental Quality. She has over 20 years of experience in architecture and consulting in Brazil and London, including work with Calatrava and Foster & Partners. She is co-founder of Studio Symbios, an Environmental Design consultancy.



University of Cape Town, África

She holds a degree in Chemistry (1984) and a Master's degree in Applied Science in Civil Engineering (2006) from the University of Cidade do Cabo (UCT). With over 30 years’ experience in water quality management, she has been a researcher at UCT since 2004 and is currently Director of the Future Water Institute. She completed her PhD at UCT in 2012, focusing on sustainability in urban water management in South Africa.



Federal Technological University of Paraná, Paraná

Graduated in Chemistry from the State University of Londrina and holds a PhD in Sciences (Meteorology) from the University of São Paulo. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Londrina campus, where she leads the Environmental Pollution group and the Air Pollution Analysis Laboratory. She works in research at USP and UEL, focusing on anthropogenic emissions, air quality and air pollution control.



Alana Institute, São Paulo

PhD candidate in Environmental Science at the Energy and Environment Institute of USP, she holds a degree in Multimedia Communication and Geography (Bachelor's and Bachelor's degrees) from PUC-SP, as well as a specialization in Ecology, Art and Sustainability from UNESP. She is a researcher on projects on climate emergency and adaptive water governance in partnership with several institutions. Coordinator of Urbanizar and leader of Nature at the Alana Institute, she is a counselor and coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Environmental Education on the Advisory Board of the APA of the Tietê River floodplain.



Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina

Graduated in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from UFSC, with a master's and doctorate in Environmental Engineering from the same institution. She has experience in atmospheric sciences and data analysis, with a focus on pollutant dispersion modeling, air quality monitoring and statistical modeling. Currently, she is an adjunct professor in the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at UFSC and supervisor of the Air Quality Control Laboratory (LCQAr).



Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Physics from UFMG, with a master's and doctorate in Remote Sensing from INPE, focusing on hybrid products and Bio-Optical models applied to waters of the Amazon basin. She is interested in satellite image processing, environmental monitoring and optical properties of water bodies, with applications in Limnology and Geosciences.



University of Brasilia, Brasilia

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFMG, with a master's and doctorate from UnB, she is an associate professor and researcher in the Graduate Program at FAU/UnB. She coordinates specialization courses and multidisciplinary residency, in addition to leading research groups focused on sociotechnical consultancy in traditional communities and on the relationship between water and the built environment. She has worked in representations at CONSAB/DF and participates in collaborative networks in urbanism. She is currently developing research on habitat, urban and rural ecosystems, informality and agroecology in the DF.



São Judas University, São Paulo

PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2020) and is currently carrying out a post-doctorate at Universidade São Judas Tadeu, focusing on urban resilience. He is the author of award-winning works and participates in research groups at CNPq, addressing topics such as contemporary urbanism, environmental comfort and urban space management. In addition, he has a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from UNESP and has training in literary and musical production.



Federal University of Itajuba, Minas Gerais

Professor and Director of the Institute of Natural Resources at the Federal University of Itajubá (MG), the guest has a degree in Meteorology, a master's and a doctorate from USP, as well as postdoctoral studies in France and Spain. His research focuses on Physical Meteorology, climate change, ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric interactions and exposome. Leader of the research group "Exposome, Environment, Information and Health (E+)", he is a member of scientific advisory boards and was awarded the "2021 Vichy Exposome Grant".



The German Centres for Research an Innovation, São Paulo

Graduated in Social Communication/Journalism from Fluminense Federal University, the guest has a specialization in Strategic Management and training in Leadership in Knowledge Transfer. He is currently the coordinator of the German Center for Science and Innovation in São Paulo (DWIH São Paulo), with extensive experience in institutional relations, marketing and communication. He worked for 7.5 years in Germany and was awarded by the Ministry of Culture in dramaturgy. He is also a member of the Cultural Council of the Martius Staden Institute.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

He holds a bachelor's degree in Economics (1987) and Accounting (1991) from the Federal University of Pernambuco, and a master's degree (1995) and a doctorate in Controllership and Accounting (1999) from the University of São Paulo. He is a retired full professor at UFPE, where he was head of the Department of Accounting, director of CCSA, director of controllership and pro-rector of administrative management. Since February 2020, he has been rector of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and served as a member and president of the Patrimonial, Economic and Financial Board of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil until 2018.



Municipal Secretariat of Urban Infrastructure and Public Works, São Paulo

Graduated in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie University (1988), with a postgraduate degree in Structural Engineering from the Polytechnic School of USP (1992) and an MBA from the Mauá School of Administration (1999). He is a professor of Reinforced Concrete Structures at the Mauá School of Engineering and Mackenzie, in addition to teaching in the postgraduate course in Construction Site Management. He was president of ABECE (2008-2010) and currently serves as an advisor to the association. He has received awards from the Institute of Engineering and the Maria Luíza Foundation and the American Oscar.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

A CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship recipient, the guest has a degree in Psychology from the University of Havana, and a master's and doctorate in Health from UFSC. She is currently an Assistant Professor and General Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at Mackenzie University. Associate Editor of the Journal Psychology: Theory and Practice, her research focuses on emotional and behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability. She was president of ABECiPsi and a member of the Research Ethics Committee at Mackenzie.



University of São Paulo, São Paulo

Professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of São Paulo, with a Bachelor's degree (1983), Master's degree (1986) and PhD in Physics (1993), all from the same institution. She completed her postdoctoral studies at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) in 1994. She has experience in Geosciences, focusing on Air Pollution, atmospheric chemistry and air quality models. She has supervised 16 Master's and 14 PhD students and has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences since 2021.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Graduated in Law and Social Service from UFRN, with a specialization, master's degree in Public Law and a doctorate in Urban Planning, the guest completed her doctoral internship at the University of Coimbra. She was a Public Prosecutor for the Municipality of Natal and, since 2013, has been a professor in the Department of Public Law at UFRN. A specialist in Environmental and Urban Law, she is the author of six books and several academic publications on legal and environmental topics.



Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg

Coordinator of the Network of Labs and researcher at CSTI, he is a professor of urban photography at HafenCity University and teaches "Understanding Knowledge" at Leuphana University. He holds a degree in Landscape Architecture from the Universität Hannover and has experience in transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, creative computing and the digital city. He has participated in the organization of international workshops on urban complexity at several universities.



Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford

Associate Professor of Water Systems Engineering in the School of Engineering and the Built Environment at ARU. Chartered Civil Engineer and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Focuses on resilience and adaptation of water infrastructure, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems. Interested in computational modelling, machine learning and evolutionary algorithms in water infrastructure.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

PhD in Tourism and Master in Urban and Regional Studies from UFRN. Graduated in Philosophy and specialized in Social Sciences from UFPR. With over 20 years of experience, she works in the areas of human resources management, coordination of social and business projects, and urban and regional planning. Focuses on territorial planning, rural tourism, technical assistance and rural extension, environmental management and renewable energy.



Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India



Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Professor at the Technical University of Hamburg, Natasa Manojlovic has a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering, with the thesis "Improving Resident Participation in the Development of Flood-Resilient Cities". Her research interests include flood risk management and flood resilience, as well as developing courses in nature-oriented Hydraulic Engineering and flood protection. She is currently involved in projects that seek equitable resilience solutions to integrate cultural landscapes and communities.



Pontifical Catholic University, São Paulo

Graduated in Sociology from the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation (FESPSP), with a master's and doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and the University of Paris I Sorbonne, respectively. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with experience in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism, focusing mainly on images and the city.



World Meteorological Organization, Geneva

Graduated in Oceanography, with a master's degree in Oceanic Remote Sensing and a doctorate in Oceanography from the University of Southampton, the guest currently works at WWRP, where he supports projects such as SAGE, PCAPS and InPRHA, in addition to collaborating with the TC-PFP Project and the Group Data Assimilation Workflow. With previous experience in the WCRP Secretariat and as Deputy Executive Director of the CLIVAR Project, he was also a Project Manager at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, in Germany.



Federal University of São Paulo, Diadema

With a degree in Meteorology and a PhD in Sciences from USP, the guest is a professor and researcher in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo. He teaches in the Undergraduate course in Environmental Sciences and in the Postgraduate Program in Integrated Environmental Analysis, in addition to working in the Master Research Program on Climate Change Marine Sciences at WASCAL. He coordinates the Climate and Air Pollution Laboratory, focusing on anthropogenic emissions and their impacts on atmospheric processes, climate and air quality.



Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Brasília



Union of Real Estate Purchase, Sale and Management Companies, São Paulo

Mechanical engineer with over 25 years of experience in sustainability and ESG. She holds an MBA in Sustainability from FIA Business School and is PMP certified. She is currently the sustainability manager at Secovi-SP, leading knowledge dissemination and engagement projects in the real estate sector. She participated in the development of ABNT PR 2030 on ESG and is the creator of the course "ESG: Practice in Practice", training professionals in the area.



Hydraulics Technology Center Foundation, São Paulo

Civil engineer at São Paulo City Hall since 1983, the guest worked at the Urban Infrastructure Department as Director of Drainage Projects and Project Superintendent. Graduated from the Mauá School of Engineering and with specializations in hydrology and drainage, he coordinated the Technical Management Center of the Sanitation Management Committee and the Drainage Plan for the Alto Tietê Basin. With publications at ABRH congresses, he coordinated the Drainage Master Plan and, since 2021, has worked as a consultant in urban drainage and infrastructure.



São Paulo University, São Paulo

Graduated in Social Sciences and Economics from USP, with a master's degree in Urban Planning from Harvard and a PhD in Sociology from USP, the guest speaker is a Senior Professor at PROCAM at USP. He has coordinated projects on water governance and climate change, including the Guidelines and Plans for Adaptive Water Governance and Security Project. A member of ICLEI-South America and the SARAS Institute, and editor of the journal Ambiente e Sociedade, he has a significant trajectory in research and teaching in the areas of environment and society.



São Paulo Urbanism Municipal Company, São Paulo

CEO of SP Urbanismo, the guest was also Director of Urban Development and has worked at São Paulo City Hall since 2020 as Director of Urban Drainage and Building Works. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU USP, he is currently studying for a master's degree in Management and Public Policies at FGV EESP. A researcher at the Fluvial Metropolis Group at FAU USP, he collaborated on studies for the Metropolitan Hydrobelt and did an exchange at Delft University of Technology, focusing on the intersection between water and urban development.



Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

The head of the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) is an expert in coastal hydraulic engineering. His inaugural lecture will address "Research and Teaching in Hydraulic Engineering". At TUHH, research focuses on the planning and operation of hydraulic engineering systems, including coastal protection and erosion control, with an emphasis on the impacts of climate change, flood protection, port planning and the construction of hydropower plants.​



Brazilian Institute of Architects, São Paulo

Architect and Urban Planner with a degree and master's degree from FAUUSP, she is the elected president of the Institute of Architects of Brazil - São Paulo Department (2023-2025) and Extraordinary Vice-President of Institutional Relations at national level. A professor at PUC-SP, she worked at the DPH of São Paulo City Hall, where she coordinated conservation projects and was director. He received awards for the Paulistana Memory Inventory and organized a special edition of the Municipal Historical Archive Magazine. She is a counselor at CAU-SP (2021-2023) and a member of ICOMOS-Brasil.



Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Geophysical Sciences from the University of Lisbon, she is an adjunct professor in the Meteorology Department at UFRJ and coordinator of LASA. A collaborating researcher at the Dom Luíz Institute and the Center for Forest Studies at the University of Lisbon, she represents Brazil in the WMO climate monitoring group. She received the Women in Science Latin America Award from 3M in 2023 and is a CNPQ level 2 researcher, focusing on satellite fire monitoring and forecasting of extreme weather events.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, with a title recognized by FAU USP, she is a professor at Universidade Paulista and holds a post-doctorate at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She was the coordinator of the Course and the Model Office at UNIP Campinas, received awards for her thesis and works on research into sustainable architecture and contemporary urbanism.



Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo

Urban Architect from FAU PUCC and PhD in History of Architecture and Urbanism from FAU USP, he is a Professor of Urbanism at FAU Mackenzie. He researches infrastructure networks as an urban strategy to reduce climate vulnerabilities in Brazilian cities. He was a professor at USP until 2020 and served as Municipal Secretary of Public Works in São Carlos. He is co-leader of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group in Brazil and participates in the management of the Lina Bo and P. M. Bardi Institute. He has published relevant works on modern architecture and historical heritage.



Municipal Executive Secretariat for Climate Change, São Paulo 

Bachelor's degree in Law from PUCCamp, master's degree and PhD in Constitutional Law from USP. He began his career as a public prosecutor in 1973 and became a judge in 1976, being promoted to judge of the Criminal Court of Appeals in 1993 and appellate judge of the Court of Justice of São Paulo in 2004. He was the Inspector General of Justice and president of the court, retiring in 2015. After his retirement, he was Secretary of Education for the State of São Paulo from 2016 to 2018. He received the Order of Ipiranga and the degree of Commander of the Order of Merit of Portugal.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Graduated from UFRN. Master in Law from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2000) and PhD in Bioethics from UNB. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Environmental Law). Attorney for the National Treasury.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre

Professor at the Institute of Geosciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, she works in Geology, Geography and Environmental Engineering courses. She supervises the postgraduate program in Remote Sensing and coordinates the Meteorology and Air Quality laboratory. She works with atmospheric pollution, numerical modeling and forecasting of extreme events.



Hydraulics Technology Center Foundation, São Paulo

Civil Engineer from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, has a master's degree in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering from the USP Polytechnic School. He works as an engineer at the Hydraulic Technology Center Foundation, focusing on drainage, rainwater management and dam and flood risk studies using mathematical modeling. He is a partner at Lucci Engenharia e Consultoria SS and teaches courses on hydrodynamic modeling using HEC-RAS software.



Municipal Secretariat of Green and Environment, São Paulo

Rodrigo Pimentel Pinto Ravena, a native of São Paulo, holds a degree in Economics from PUC-SP and a degree in Law from USP, with a specialization in Civil and Labor Law. He was a professor of Commercial Law at the Álvares Penteado Foundation. He began his public career in 1981 at the São Paulo City Council, where he held several positions, including Secretary of Infrastructure (2006-2012) and Administrative Secretary-General (2013-2015). In 2015, he was appointed Municipal Secretary of Green Areas and the Environment of São Paulo.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFRN, with a master's degree in Social Sciences and a doctorate in Geographical Thought from the University of Barcelona, ​​the guest is an associate professor in the Department of Architecture at UFRN and a member of the EcoHabitat research group. Her experience includes environmental and urban planning, with a focus on management, social housing, heritage protection and socio-environmental vulnerability. She currently works as a researcher at the INCT/Observatório das Metrópoles Network.



German Agency for International Cooperation

Urban Transformation Coordinator and Director of the Brazil-Germany technical cooperation project "Support for the National Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development (ANDUS)" at GIZ. Expert in organizational change, urban development and digital transformation, with experience in projects in India, Europe and Brazil.



University of Bradford, United Kingdom

Graduated in urban water management, he works on integrating water aspects into urban planning for sustainable cities. He has worked at the International Water Association and the Centre for Science and Environment, where he developed more than 200 executive education programs. His research focuses on innovative policies to address water and sanitation challenges in India and other regions, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.



Federal University of Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais

Graduated in Meteorology, she holds a master's and a doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences from IAG at USP, with a focus on Atmospheric Pollution. She is an adjunct professor at UFMG, working in the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, and is a permanent member of postgraduate programs at UFMG and UFES. Her research focuses on air quality, pollution control, atmospheric monitoring and modeling for pollutant assessment in urban environments.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

Holds a bachelor's degree in Geology, a master's degree in Economic Geology and a PhD in Geosciences from USP. He is a Full Professor at DECAM/UFRN. Previously, he was a full professor in the Department of Geology at UFRN and coordinator of geoprocessing and geotechnology laboratories. He coordinates the Postgraduate Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Postgraduate Program in Geography at UFRN, with an emphasis on applied geotechnology, risk analysis and environmental monitoring in coastal areas.



Aeronautics Institute of Technology, São Paulo

Graduated in Oceanology, master in Remote Sensing and PhD in Economics, he is a professor at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics. He has experience in water resources management and environmental economics, with a focus on hydrological modeling, economic instruments for environmental management and economic-environmental analysis of infrastructure. He is the author of the book "Water management in Brazil: reflections, diagnoses and challenges".



Ministry of Cities, Brazil

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering and specialized in waste treatment, the guest has a master's degree in Environmental Planning and Management. He is currently Director of Adaptation of Cities to Climate Transition at the Ministry of Cities. With experience at the National Water Agency and the Environmental Sanitation Company of the Federal District, he has held several government positions, including Chief of Staff at the National Secretariat for Environmental Sanitation. He is also a professor and speaker in the areas of urban planning and risk prevention.



Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal

PhD in Environment and Society and associate professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, she coordinates the Postgraduate Program in Urban and Regional Studies. A CNPq scholarship holder, she researches socio-environmental issues and public policies, focusing on environmental management, climate change and governance.

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