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4th to 8th November
The German-Brazilian initiative BmBF Klimapolis, the research network CIAMClima, and the Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology - INCT Klimapolis invite researchers from Brazil, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, South Africa and Portugal, as well as professionals from public administration, private companies and civil society to participate in the international workshop.
SP Meeting 2024: The Challenge of Global Cooperation for Urban Adaptation
Scientists have sounded the alarm about the urgency of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement amid escalating climate crises: the devastating floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in May this year, and the several recent fires across the country. This meeting promotes transdisciplinary dialogues to guide the adaptation of cities towards the Sustainable Development Goals (UN).
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Rua da Consolação, 930 - Higienópolis, São Paulo, SP

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